02/06/2020 - Fix: Panorama multi instance and Image Lazy load - Fix: Minor fixes 29/05/2020 - Add: Unwrap support for Document and Strip Tags - Speed: OOO Query for ACF fields - Update: aFrame library - Fix: Template Style fix - Fix: Minor fixes 27/05/2020 - Fix: Post Listing Background Image - Fix: Visibility works with less code - Fix: Google Maps default Markers 26/05/2020 - Tweak: Advanced Transforms 26/05/2020 1.9.4 - New: Frontend Navigator - New: Tracker Header Global Setting - New: Extension Mask for Elementor Image, Elementor ImageBox, Elementor Video - New: Extension Unwrap - New: Enchanted Editor add Edit Template on Context Menu - New: ACF Repeater render as Accordion, Table DataTable and List with Icons - New: Changelog from License Tab - Add: Save Action stop next Action on Error - Add: Dynamic Email Action send Email in HTML + Plain text version - Add: Visibility Trigger Max per User - Add: Views can ignore Sticky posts - Add: Views active Filters - Update: Isotope js library - Speed: prevent double Elementor page render when Template System is enabled - Tweak: Forced Dynamic Tags on all supported Controls - Fix: Views Exposed Sort - Fix: PDF unwrap for long text block - Fix: Dynamic Posts Ajax CSS - Fix: Content Widget works with the_content filtes - Fix: Dynamic Backgound on Loop of Terms or User - Fix: Dynamic Background Video on Section - Fix: Dynamic User filter - Fix: Minor fixes 24/04/2020 1.8.14 - Add: Form Submit button - Add: Amount Field support for Acceptance and Checkboxes - New: Token EXPR - Add: Term Taxonomy List Image Style - Add: Pause on Hover on all Swiper carousel - Add: Views Widget Infinite Button - Add: Form Reset button - Add: Form Steps Summary - Add: Dynamic Posts Widget new Type field in standard render - Add: Remote Content support for Authentication - Add: Enchanted Form automatic submit on Field Change - Add: Save Action store Multiple data as Array - Speed: load only necessary assets in Debug mode - Speed: faster Editor opening speed - Security: moved minified assets to Uploads - Fix: multiple Carousel instance in archive page - Fix: Minor fixes 06/04/2020 1.8.9 - New: Visibility works also for Columns - New: Visibility Term Triggers - New: Visibility Dynamic Tag Triggers - New: Enchanted Form Min e Max Length to Text and Textarea fields - Update: Vendors - Fix: Minor fixes 02/04/2020 - New: Smooth Transition in Global settings - New: WebGL Image Distortion Hover Widget - New: Smart Assets minification in production - New: Token QUERY - New: Enchanted Form WYSIWYG to Textarea fields - New: Enchanted Form Address Autocomplete to Text fields - New: Enchanted Form set GET or POST Action to Form instead standard Ajax - New: Visibility support for WooCommerce (Product in Cart, Membership) - New: Dynamic Redirect Action for Elementor PRO Form - Add: Views Widget display as Slideshow - Add: Views Widget more advanced Terms filtering - Tweak: Enchanted Form support for more Field Width - Tweak: OOO Query Control quick Add or Edit - Tweak: Form Field Condition now support Multiple Values for a Single Field - Style: add settings for Form Amount field - Fix: Added compatibility with WordPress v5.4 - Fix: Form Extension now works also in Elementor PRO PopUp - Fix: ACF Repeater working for repeaters inside Groups or Tabs - Fix: Minor fixes 16/03/2020 - Add: Count, Ajax Pagination and GroupBy Accordion to Views Widget - Add: Extension for Video Widget - more Style settings - Add: Widget Cursor Tracker - new style controls - Add: Dynamic Posts Widget - TextZone Animation effect in roll-hover - Add: Enchanted Form - Tooltip option for Field Description - Add: Enchanted Form - all Column Width are now available - Fix: more stability and compatibility with 3rd part widgets - Fix: CSS styles on Archive pages and Widgets with loop - Fix: Elementor PRO Utils error - Fix: Minor fixes 29/02/2020 - New: Extension for Video Widget - New: Widget Cursor Tracker - Add: Dynamic Tag Token to Color Control - Add: ACF Repeater support for nested Repeater fields - Tweak: Widget Post - Term Taxonomy - Fix: Compatibility with Elementor 2.9 - Fix: Minor fixes 19/02/2020 1.8.5 - New: ACF Maps Widget support ACF Repeater data - Add: now Tokens support "return as Data" setting for Media Controls - Update: Vendors - Fix: Form scripts (Steps and Conditional logic) are now in footer - Fix: Compatibility with Elementor 2.9 - Fix: Minor fixes 07/02/2020 - New: Dynamic Tags Template - Add: Dynamic Posts Widget on ACF Relationship inverted mode - Add: Save Action for Elementor PRO Form save as Options - Add: Save Action for Elementor PRO Form update Post, User and Term - Add: Conditional Fields for Elementor PRO Form support for Steps - Add: now Tokens support "options" filter to generate dynamic options on Elementor PRO Form fields - Tweak: ThreeSixty 360 autodetect type and frame number - Security: removed eval function from some widgets - Fix: Minor fixes 12/01/2020 1.8.3 - New: now Tokens support ACF Fields - Add: ACF Maps Dynamic Infowindow - Add: now Tokens Date support Post, User & Term subfields - Add: Term & Taxonomy now support ACF Color in terms - Add: Trigger scroll for Animated Text - Add: Visibility support for Context COOKIE and SERVER parameters - Add: Visibility support for Language trigger (WPML, PolyLang, TranslatePress and WeGlot) - Add: support for ACF Fields on Options page - Fix: ThreeSixty 360 Widget responsive width - Fix: Minor fixes 18/12/2019 - New: Extension Amount for Elementor PRO Form - Add: Visiblity support for Language trigger (WPML, PolyLang and TranslatePress) - Fix: Template render speed improvements - Fix: Minor fixes 12/12/2019 1.8.2 - New: now Tokens support WooCommerce Products - New: now Tokens can display the Post Taxonomy Terms - Fix: ACF Gallery Masonry render - Fix: Dynamic Posts ACF Link - Fix: Copy/Paste Cross-site compatible with Elementor 2.8 - Fix: Minor fixes 04/12/2019 1.8.1 - New: Copy Paste Cross-site interface working on All browser - Tweak: ACF Repeater in Template Preview - Add: ACF Map Marker Clustering - Add: form Upload fields as Attachments on Dynamic Email - Fix: Minor fixes 29/11/2019 1.8.0 - New: Copy & Paste across different site domains - New: Copy to Clipboard Widget - New: WebGL BG Canvas Widget - New: Easy Rollback to previous version after plugin update - New: Force Full-Width or Canvas Template to Single Page from Dynamic Template System - Add: Description on Fields in Enchanted Form for Elementor PRO Form - UX: new Enchanted Form setting Tab - Update: Vendors - Fix: Minor fixes 19/11/2019 1.7.1 - New: Dynamic Tag Token Wizard mode - New: Extension Enchanted Editor - New: Extension Steps for Elementor Pro Form - Add: ACF Repeater Widget add tab [link] ACF Repeater Url - Add: Views Widget filter by meta array subfield - Add: support for MU Plugins - Add: Template System can be disabled - Add: Document Horizontal Inertia - Optimization: minifyed Css and more lightweight - Optimization: Widget FeaturedImage - Optimization: Widget TitlePost - Fix: DynamicPosts Query of filters by masonry grig render - Fix: DymamicPosts Include/Exclude Terms - Fix: Minor fixes 27/10/2019 1.7.0 - New: Animated Text - New: Extension Enchanted for Elementor Pro Form - New: Widget Button PDF - New: Widget Barcode & QrCode - New: Widget Add to Calendar - New: Token variable System - Add: Dynamic Posts Include/Exclude for Terms - Add: Dynamic Posts Date Filter (Past, Future, Today, Yesterday from post date or meta value) - Add: Multiple conditions to Conditional Fields for Elementor PRO Form - Add: AutoLogin and update User for Save Data for Elementor PRO Form - Add: Add to Favorites Button: Hide Button for NON Logged Users and Cookie counter - Fix: Acf Justyfier gallery - Fix: Modals delay enter animation - Fix: Minor fixes 12/10/2019 - Fix: Minor fixes - Out of Beta 06/10/2019 1.6.0 - New: Category SVG - New: Widget SVG Mask - New: Widget SVG Fe - FilterEffects - New: Widget SVG Distortion - New: Widget SVG Blob - New: Widget SVG PathText - New: Widget SVG Morphing pattern image - New: Widget ACF Repeater - New: Widget User Fields - New: Widget Add to Favorites - New: Extension use Tokens everywhere in Dynamic field (no Elementor PRO needed) - New: Extension Save Data (as Post, User or Term) for Elementor PRO Form - New: Extension Export Data for Elementor PRO Form - New: Extension Message for Elementor PRO Form - New: Extension PDF for Elementor PRO Form - New: Extension Dynamic Email for Elementor PRO Form - New: Extension Visibility Conditional Fields for Elementor PRO Form - New: Control Ajax Select2 in Elementor Settings - New: Document Navigation Snap Scroll style - Add: Views Widget now also list User and Term objects - Add: Token variable Term - Add: Token variable Wp_Query - Add: Token varable Author - Add: Group By option in Views Widget - Add: Ignore Posts option in Views Widget - Add: Post selection for Visibility Extension - Add: language trigger for Visibility Extension - Add: user Events trigger (click and page load) for Visibility Extension - Add: File Browser Widget can get files from Medias in Post Field and from a CSV - Add: Inverted relation in ACF Relationship Widget for Bidirectional relations - Add: fix links (lazy images, relative links, ecc) of scraped code in Remote Content Widget - Add: Author Query filter in Dynamic Posts - Fix: search posts by author in admin - Fix: plugin speed optimizations 20/07/2019 1.5.3 - New: Token varable Date ([date], [date|Y m d], [date:+1 mounth|d-m-Y] - New: PODS Gallery Widget - Add: Pagination options on Views Widget - Add: Period trigger on Visibility extension - Add: Random trigger on Visibility extension - Add: Max trigger on Visibility extension - Add: Text manipulation on Meta Widget - Add: File Browser Widget can select from "Media Library" and "Post Medias" - Tweak: The Animations are now compatible with motion effects, work together. In continuous movement and at the same time animated in scroll. (this compatibility requires re-enabling) - Tweak: Select2 on all select controls - Tweak: Page Scrolling animations - Tweak: Tokens are supported in all Text widgets (WP native and Elementor's) - Fix: ACF Google Map Marker ACF Image - Fix: ACF Field Wysiwyg autop - Fix: ACF Gallery Lightbox - Fix: ACF Gallery support all field return type (array, url, id) - Fix: Visibility with Elementor Free v2.6.x 25/06/2019 1.5.2 - New: Widget SVG Morphing - New: All our widgets now support Token in text fields controls - New: Pods Relationship widget - New: Toolset Relationship widget - New: GeoIP based trigger for Visibility ("GeoIP Detection" plugin needed) - New: setting to remove shortcode (like Visual Composer) in Post Content Widget - New: advanced configuration for Excerpt Widget - Improvement: Current Post based trigger for Visibility - Improvement: Period based trigger for Visibility - Improvement: sortable post in Single Post List widget - Optimization: compression and minimization on all dce js - Tweak: Dynamic Posts native Template from term and taxonomy - Tweak: debug mode for Visibility - Update: more settings on Views widget - Fix: compatible with Elementor Free v2.6.0-beta1 - Fix: Image Acf in Dynamic Posts - Fix: Rendering Template - Fix: Minor fixies 06/06/2019 1.5.1 - Improvement: File Browser, custom folder path and dynamic folder via meta_field - Improvement: Modals Widget close button - Added: Modals close button X Style - Optimized: rendering of template - Fix: Modals changed class name (required resave) - Fix: Visibility 04/06/2019 1.5.0 - Improvement: Visibility extension: -- Move: from Advanced tab to his new own dedicated, divided by section -- Add: Parameter condition -- Add: Debug mode to show trigger in frontend -- Add: Keep HTML -- Add: Responsive condition -- Fix: Specific User - Improvement: Dynamic Posts -- Improved UX -- New Layout: --- New mode of ordering elements --- Changed layout Position Image --- Added order image --- Added Text-Zone: Float in front -- Added style Text-Zone x/y movement -- Added style for modal in Ajax Page Load -- Image-Overlay Color/Image/Gradient and Opacity -- Removed in/out option for title, meta, author, read more -- Improved MetaData: Icon, taxonomy block, Space -- Improved Author: Align, Space, Avatar image style -- Improved ReadMore Button: Tabs Colors -- Fix: Infinite Scroll if number of posts is less than total element, if the value is 0 or empty get default number - Improvement: ACF Field: -- now get the field in Archive and User template - Improvement: List Widgets Style -- border Weight and width -- ux label_block - Improvement: Advanced Transforms structure - Fix: Post-Content in Archive for Home Category and Tag. 17/05/2019 1.4.2 - Added: ACF Map Dynamic mode for same Terms - Added: support for multiple Post Meta in Widget Meta - Added: activation domain check - Tweak: List widgets - Tweak: Remote content 08/05/2019 1.4.1 - Added: InfoWindow in ACF Map - Fix: Dynamic Posts Carousel (Slick) - Fix: Template system user and search - Fix: Template system get from Single and Archive by Theme Builder Elementor Pro 26/04/2019 1.4.0 - New: Widget Toolset Field - New: Widget ACF Relationship - New: Widget Views - New: Document Inertia Scroll - New: Post Widget Meta - New: Post Widget Meta - New: Unfold option in Content Post - Tweak: Widget Views with ajax and infinite scroll - Tweak: update engine crawler for Remote Content - Tweak: Document page scroll effects - Tweak: Widget Views with Pagination and Exposed sorting - Tweak: Post Breadcrumb use Yoast if is active - Tweak: ACF Slider Force-Width, Force-Height and Background-Mode - Fix: compatibility with PHP 7.3 - Fix: Dynamic pots offset value - Fix: Document page snap scroll - Fix: Post Content strip all tags if use the content limit - Fix: minor fix - Added: Support ACF Field date in Dynamic Posts, Act Field Widget. - Added: Now Tokens support string Filters - Updated: vendor plugin-update-checker - Optimization: less memory utilization in Visibility for section - Security: more secure method to verify Custom condition in Visibility 07/03/2019 - Fix: Template System after element template in archive - Fix: Dynmic Posts Dynamic-mode in home and term archive - Fix: Pagination of document snap-scroll - Fix: minor fix 05/03/2019 1.3.1 - New: Template System rebuild ui - New: Scrolling effects for page controls - New: Widget Pods Field - New: Widget Tilt - New: Document Setting > Page Scroll - New: Document Setting > Page Scroll Effect - New: Custom condition for Visibility - Tweak: Dynamic Posts - Dynamic Taxonomy and Terms - Tweak: Change name of widget "Popups" to "Modals" - Fix: compatibility with Visibility in Editor - Fix: Compatibility with Elementor 2.5.1 - Fix: Visibility condition 11/01/2019 - Update: more settings for FileBrowser - Update: Visibility integration with Elementor Editor (Navigator and Context menu) - Fix: compatibility with deprecated PHP version (5.6) 06/01/2019 1.2.1 - Optimization: Complete code refactoring - New: added pagination in Dynamic Posts - New: "Load More" button in Dynamic Posts - New: InfiniteScroll in Dynamic Posts - New: set your own API keys on Google Maps - New: Visibility now works also with Sections - New Advanced: RevealFx - Update: more choice for Visibility (Context, Conditional Tags, ecc), please check compatibility - Update: Advanced Rellax responsive value - Fix: compatibility with Customization setting in OceanWP 12/11/2018 1.1.2 - Fix: minor fix 01/11/2018 1.1.1 - Tweak: FireModalWindow: padding, border radius, icon after/before, UX - Tweak: Dynamic Content > Settings (UI) - Tweak: Dynamic Content > Settings for Search page - Tweak: Optimized for WPML - Tweak: ReadMore post hover-style - Optimization: Plugin Core for future release - Upgrade: Library (Swiper, Anime, Reveal, Rellax) - New: Widget List-Single-Posts-Menu - New: Widget PopUps - New: Dashboard Info - New: Backend Column (Dynamic Content template) for Pages, Posts, CPT and Taxonomy 13/09/2018 - Fix: Ajax Page Open, compatibility with Astra Theme 12/09/2018 1.1.0 - New: Taxonomy in TemplateSystem global settings - Tweak: Transform, added condition Enabled Transforms (Requred activation for the elements used) - Tweak: ACF Maps, added Snazzy Style - Tweak: Dynamic Posts, Query Parent-child logic 06/09/2018 - Fix: Ajax Page Open (thanks Sylvia) - Tweak: Single Template blank page - Fix: Minor bugfix 01/09/2018 - Fix: Transform 31/08/2018 1.0.8: - Fix: Dynamic Posts pophover transforms for single items - Fix: Post Title - Fix: ACF Fields - Fix: ACF Gallery - Fix: SnapScroll - Minor Fixes 27/08/2018 1.0.7: - New: Advanced Parallax for any widget (with Rellax https://dixonandmoe.com/rellax/) - Tweak: Post content shortcodes - Security: Dev widget configurable only by admin - Fix: Remote Content Cache working well and introduced Max Connection Time - Tweak: PhpRaw check for working code before save - Fix: Minor bugfix 25/08/2018 1.0.6: - Tweak: Template settings archive for home - Tweak: TwentyTwenty Before/After Dynamic fields (Pro) - Tweak: FileBrowser style tab - New: Now the transformations controls is advanced for any widget - New: Group Controls HSB 20/08/2018 1.0.5: - New: Creative widget Panorama - New: Creative widget TwentyTwenty Before/After - Fix: Transforms container 12/08/2018 1.0.4: - New: Transformations responsive Controls - New: Creative widget Parallax - New: Creative widget Threesixty 360, image rotator - New: Dev widget RemoteContent - Fix: Fixed counter hits for FileBrowser - Fix: Minor bugfix 07/08/2018 1.0.3: - Tweak: Transform on Featured-image and ACF-image - Tweak: Dynamic Posts, Query "From specific post "get from all cpt - Tweak: Enchanted FileBrowser with native WP Media meta - Fix: Minor bugfix 27/07/2018 1.0.2: - Tweak: Featured Image - Tweak: ACF Fields / ACF Gallery / ACF Map - Added: Blend Mode and Filters - Added: In transform TranslateX/Y - Fix: Minor bugfix 25/07/2018 1.0.1: - Tweak: ACF Fields / ACF Gallery / ACF Slider / ACF Map - Tweak: Updated Swiper library to v4.3.3 - Compatibility for Elementor 2.1.0 - Fix: Minor bugfix 26/06/2018 1.0.0: Initial relese 03/05/2017 0.0.1: First steps